Healthy Girls Healthy Future

Mission Statement

To give young girls the knowledge and facilities necessary to develop and maintain good menstrual hygiene practices that are critical to their health and education.

Through this project, young women will improve their knowledge of the biological process of menstruation and learn healthy management strategies. This project also aims to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #5: Achieve Gender Equality and Empower Women at the Grassroots Level.

Our work so far

Since November 2013, the Healthy Girls Healthy Future project in Punjab, India, has achieved:

Over $38,000 in Donations | 63 Schools Outfitted to be Menstrual-Friendly | Subsidized Sanitary Pads Reducing Costs to Students | Menstrual Hygiene Management Clubs in Every School Who Advocate to and Educate their Communities | 10,397 Girls Empowered

Why Good Menstrual Hygiene Practices Are Necessary

  • In India, 23% of girls drop out of school after reaching puberty.
  • Inadequate menstrual protection can cause girls aged 12-18 to miss up to five days of school each month and up to 60 days each year.
  • Over 88% of women in India use unsanitized cloths, ashes, and husk sand during their menstrual cycle. These women have a 70% higher likelihood of a Reproductive Tract Infection (RTI) as a result, leading to even more time away from their education.
  • Due to inadequate menstrual protection, girls often feel uncomfortable and shy away from participating in classroom and extracurricular activities.
  • Lack of education and cultural stigmas can prevent discussions about the biological changes associated with puberty, which are necessary for health and well-being.

Breaking the Silence

A critical step towards implementing hygienic practices is to break the taboos associated with menstruation. Positive and informative conversations can foster an understanding of this natural occurrence, providing young women with the appropriate knowledge to manage this biological transition in a safe and healthy manner. Additionally, creating safe spaces for women and girls to host such open discussions is also essential in eradicating the fear and shame associated with menstruation.

Securing access to adequate water, cleansing materials, and private spaces is also critical in learning about menstruation. Ensuring that environmentally-friendly mechanisms for safe reuse, collection, and disposal of menstrual waste are available is a basic right, providing peace of mind to menstruating individuals.

The Impact

In the schools where Health Girls Healthy Future has been implemented, there have been:

  • Significant improvements in school enrollment and attendance among female students.
  • Improved confidence levels among female students and reduced feelings of hesitation when participating in activities while menstruating.
  • A similar project started in 2019 by the State Government of Punjab, modelled after HGHF.
  • Increasing demand for this project at an exponential rate, receiving several requests from schools each month to implement this project in their schools.

How Can You Support?

Please contact us to learn about the next donation drive and/or fundraising options to make a difference for the girls we support through Healthy Girls Healthy Future.